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As we take a day to honor the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I thought it would be fitting to share (especially in this time of division in our

country), how I believe the fire of MLK's dream can still be realized, in spite of a division that seems to be greater.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is widely known as an African American leader, activist and spokesman but, he was first a minister of God and a brother in Christ. His "I Have a Dream" speech was eloquent, powerful, and brilliant because it was fully inspired by Holy Scripture! Because of the Divine promises of God concerning freedom and justice for His people- a people- my people- were able to stand by faith on a rock of hope for freedom and equality. We petitioned the Sovereign God to change the hearts of men and rulers in this country to align with Scripture and Truth.

Today, the enemy still works in the hearts of men to snuff out Truth concerning justice, hope, freedom, unity, righteousness, and ultimately the name of Jesus Christ- the One who died so that we might ALL be saved. What belongs to one race and not the other in Christ? The bible says that EVERYTHING was created through Him and for Him and in Him ALL things hold together. The bible also reveals to us that our struggle is NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I strongly believe that today is the day to put down our natural weapons of man against man and start taking up the full armor of Christ- for the Glory of God our Father in Heaven. As the hearts of men turn to Christ, we will see peace and justice springing up where there was once only fighting and injustice.

I was reminded that the fate of our homes, communities, country, and world lie solely on the faith and obedience of the body of Christ. If we believe what the bible says, the church would find every way to be unified and in agreement in all things no matter the cost. When I first came to Bethlehem Christian School, I loved that the password to join the office internet is "yes we all agree." (don't worry, its posted for all to use). This password is the key to so many victories in this spiritual battle of life. This password is powerful and true within our school walls- and this subtle honoring of God will never go overlooked.

At the beginning of the school year, my mother's already failing health had begun to decline more rapidly. My church family had already been standing with me for years, but God saw fit to add to our number of prayer partners and I believe it was a timely display for such a time as this. Somehow I ended up sharing this news with my sisters on the BCS PTF committee as well as a few other believers in the school banded with me in prayer and support. He knitted together black believers with white believers because this picture accurately represents His Kingdom. Color of skin is not a factor when common issues like sickness or death looms to prevail- the desire for healing is a factor. My mother was literally days from death, but miracles began to happen over the course of a week. Life sprang up in her, her appetite returned, she began to walk again, her mind is being renewed from depression and a diagnosis of settling dementia. This is what faith in Christ does; He unifies then displays His power all for His Glory alone.

Many people take MLK Jr. Day to perform a service in an underserved community- this is beautiful. Though I hope that we can also take this day, with our children, to ponder on the promises of God and go before the Throne of Grace in prayer and petition and bring before our King the areas of households, communities, our country, and our world where His justice is not reigning, freedom is not reigning, truth is not reigning, healing is not reigning, so that, according to His word, we would be doing our part to fight battles on a level where the unbelieving world could never fight. Our God will answer us and His Glory will be displayed in ways we could never construct with our hands, finite minds or imaginations. The battle is fixed and won all because of Jesus!

May His everlasting love, favor, and blessing rest upon you and your family.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

God Bless you BCS Family :)


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