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Day of Prayer for Christian Schools: March 29th

This article is posted on the ACSI website:

In the book of Joel, we read the biblical account of an invasion of locusts that caused widespread devastation in the land. This account likely resonates with many of us in the Christian school movement. Many face unprecedented challenges, whether cultural, financial, or legal. And while exponential growth in Christian schools is underway across the globe, many lack much-needed resources or face threats of persecution.

How are we to respond when we encounter such locusts, seeking to devour the fruit of Christian education? The book of Joel describes the response of the people of Israel in their circumstance: they cried out to the Lord and asked Him for mercy. And because He is faithful, the Lord blessed His children with “abundant showers” of blessing to restore what the locusts had devoured.

I believe that God is orchestrating the greatest revival in the history of the world! According to David Barrett, author of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 82,000 people become Christians every day. More people are coming to Christ than at any time in history. I believe that Christian schools are to play a key role in this revival as they are preparing students to be leaders in their generation, able to hold forth the Word of Life to those who are in darkness. However, as with all revivals throughout history—as well as the account of God’s restoring work in the book of Joel—this move of God must begin with prayer.

Maundy Thursday, March 29

To this end, I am humbly asking every Christian educator around the world to join together in a Day of Prayer on Maundy Thursday, March 29. I believe that the Holy Week of Easter is a time when all Christian believers are drawn to repentance and unity at the foot of the cross of Christ. So, Maundy Thursday is a natural time to bow before the Lord in humility, remembering how on this day He took on the role of a servant with a basin of water and towel to wash His disciples’ feet, offering them His body and blood in the Last Supper, and praying for them (and us) that they (we) might be one as He and His Father are one. We, too, as Christian educators, do not come to be served, but to serve and give our lives as a ransom for the many children He has entrusted to our care (see Mark 10:45). We, too, are “crucified with Christ” as living sacrifices in His service (see Galatians 2:20; Romans 12:1). And together, with our fellow believers around the world, we will celebrate on Easter Sunday with a resounding, “He is Risen!” And so are we, with Him! Hallelujah!

To help Christian schools around the globe join together in prayer, we have added a link on our website where prayer requests may be shared. Perhaps there is a need in your city, school, or student body—whatever you share, your brothers and sisters in Christ around the world will be able to see it and intercede on your behalf. Please visit the page anytime leading up to March 29, and in the days afterward to support others in prayer. You can commit to pray personally, or with your staff, or to gather your entire student body for a time of corporate worship and prayer.

Psalm 127 reminds us that “children are a heritage from the Lord . . . like arrows in the hands of a warrior” (NIV). With more than 40,000 Christian schools spanning the globe, we have been entrusted with millions of arrows to shape and prepare for the Lord to use as leaders in this great revival. Let’s pray for them.

About the Author

Dr. Stephen Reel has served for over 30 years in Christian school ministry as a Bible teacher, school administrator, and adjunct professor. He is the author of Clear Focus: Rediscovering the Most Important Aspect of Christian School Ministry (2015). He serves at ACSI as the vice president, USA, and he can be reached via email at


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